Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Deja vu

data communication(DC) teacher came to class today; and i think, wasn't last hour DC too? i checked my watch. it was the first hour after lunch, so obviously last hour wasn't DC. i was having my lunch then.

so why did i get the feeling? coz she had taken one hour in the morning. this week i reach college everyday at 8.45 due to one sadist of a bus driver. And leaves at 4. i have pretty much no idea what is happening in between. i cant distinguish even lunch hour from class hour.

all i know is there had been lots of classes this week at least half of which was DC. Was she taking classes during lunch hour, I wonder. luckily i have the same teacher for my microprocessors lab which was 50% longer than usual lab hours.

after all the hours taken i have just understood one thing: she is teaching about something(i know not What) with 6 or 7 layers(i know not how much) and this info, i got from sharath.

time to go....dinner awaits.....

P.S. i run spell check and found this error- i have typed preetty for


JFx said...

vu vu deja vu bla bla i cant comment

renjith said...

hai bach....

blah said...

y did u ask sharath!!!!!!!!!!